TCA Mission Africa 2015 Video

Kilimanjaro Go Pro 2015

2015 Africa photos

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wednesday, June 17

Okay so Scott and Noah are going to be very unhappy because they wrote this great post for tonight and when they gave my iPad back for me to publish it, the wifi wouldn't save it and it was lost.  I will try to recap what it said.  Actually I'm adding a lot but theirs was great.

Today we started out the day with a morning devotional from Steve Wolcott, who always has amazing stories from his life experiences as a full time missionary.  He talked about being a fragrant aroma to The Lord and told a story about his experiences with 2 witch doctors he was called to help years ago.  One turned his life over to Christ and got rid of all his things from his former life, but the other could not give up his stuff, including his Koran, and went off never to be seen again.  For some the fragrance of speaking out for Christ is life to life but for others who won't believe, it is death to death.

After our morning talk we went back to the orphanage to continue painting.  We finished the front building, started on the second, and broke some ground for the foundation of their new chicken coop.  We decided just to hire a fundi to build the coop right since none of us seem to have much experience building chicken coops...except Carrigan, and only because she lives in the country and has actually seen a chicken coop before.

Steve left around noon to head to the airport to take care of a previous commitment back in Uganda.  He will come back in a couple of days.  Please pray for safe travels for him, AND that his phone would miraculously turn up.  It was lost the first day we were here somewhere in the hotel.

The staff at the orphanage made us lunch of a mix of beans and maize.  A few of us took pity on the poor skinny residential dog, named Smartie, who is usually napping on their porch, and accidentally
dropped some lunch near his mouth.  He was quite happy with the Americans.  We stayed at the
orphanage until about 2:30 and on the way back stopped to buy a big shelving unit we had spotted on the way up there that we thought would be great for the school for disabled.  We strapped it to the top of the bus and will deliver it tomorrow when we go back to paint at the school for disabled.  We are hoping to repainting their entire kitchen and dining area for them, plus buy them some food to stock their pantry.

We got back just in time to put on clean clothes and run over to the church (it's  literally one block behind our hotel) for vbs.  We estimate we probably had a little over 200 kids again today.  There was a slight bit of chaos with the passing out of candy as they left (only at Mr. Millets door...not Jerry Fudges door - he would like to point out that his door was completely under control the whole time) so Mr. Millet has banned candy from tomorrow's program.  But other than that the kids seem to really be enjoying all of the music and fun.  Scott and Noah asked for prayer for talking with a boy named Ambrose tomorrow who said he had some questions about life he wanted to bring them.  He is a refugee and has been looking for his father for the past six years.

We came back for dinner and had a fierce competition between George, Jon, Noah, Christopher (our reigning champion), and sweet little Karoline to see who could chug a cold fizzy coke down the quickest.  The challenge was made a few days ago so everyone was quite excited to see who would win.  I can't tell you who won yet but let's just say the Millets are not even remotely close to being in the running, because both Jon and Noah took very small sips over about a three minute window.  We had our evening prayer time, made some preparations for tomorrow and headed off to bed.

Right now Jon, Jerry and George are on the way to the airport to pick up Mike and Dawson Fields, who finally managed to get on a flight over here after trying for a couple of days.  We are all excited to see them, but after almost 36 hours on four different planes, we know they will arrive around 1
a.m. exhausted...and breakfast is at 7 a.m.   Please pray for them to get some good rest tonight!

Well...Noah and Scott said way less than that, but they will get another chance to entertain you probably tomorrow.  Thank you all for the continued prayers!


Jenni for the group

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