TCA Mission Africa 2015 Video

Kilimanjaro Go Pro 2015

2015 Africa photos

Monday, June 15, 2015

Monday, June 15

Hello everyone,

Firstly, everyone is alive and well just in case y'all were wondering. Isabel had to stay at the hotel today, but she is feeling better now. Our day was fun; we began painting the Olevolos Orphanage a vibrant, luminescent shade of yellow-green. After a yummy packed lunch of boiled eggs, chicken, grilled cheese with tomato, bananas, and coffee cake, we returned to the church for our first day of VBS. We had approximately 220 children and are expecting many more tomorrow. The children enjoyed songs, skits, games, and making drums out of paper cups (the drums were loud). We returned to the hotel for some free time where we played hacky sack until the sun set. At dinner Christopher Fox chugged a Stoney (a super strong ginger ale that burns a little when you drink it) in 13 seconds. He was hospitalized....


Sorry this blog was so short we don't really do this much.

This blog was engineered by Michael (hi mom and grannie) and Christopher.
God bless.

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