TCA Mission Africa 2015 Video

Kilimanjaro Go Pro 2015

2015 Africa photos

Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday, June 12

Hi everyone.  I was planning on having the students all take turns updating the blog for me but, unfortunately my iPad is plugged in charging so I can only update from about a 3 foot radius from my wall right now AND everyone else has already disappeared for bed.  Everyone is doing well but extremely exhausted and still a little jet lagged.  I am usually kind of wordy and so if you don't want details, don't read this.  I am mostly writing this for about 3 or 4 people who want details.  You know who you are.

We arrived last night in Arusha around midnight and were welcomed by the entire Arusha church choir!  Each of them had a sign with one of our names and a blanket for us and then after a warm welcome they started singing for us.  Let me tell you they were AMAZING!  I have a video of it on my phone I will try to upload later.

We had to stay at the airport a while because apparently, even though all of our bags were scanned and given a barcode, the airport here in Arusha has no way of reading the barcodes so they were handwriting a detailed description of each and every missing suitcase.   (Which was ALL of them, except for Brittany who had joined us in Paris).    Anyway, the choir members all accompanied us back to our hotel and stayed up until about 2 in the morning until we were all checked in.  Five or six of them have all taken 2 weeks off of work in order to stay with us and accompany us in all of our ministry!  They have been incredible and we are enjoying getting to know them.

Today we slept in until 10 and had breakfast and devotions and lunch before heading out.  We went to    get a few supplies and then went to visit the church we are partnering with.  We met some of the kids and told them all to invite 5 friends to VBS which we will host at the church Monday through Friday from 4-6.  Please be in prayer for this each day as this is a great outreach for the area.  We have been told to expect 30-50 by a couple of the church members, but other members said they are expecting 300-500!  Hello!  We have no idea what's going to happen so please pray for us!

After visiting the church we drove way up in the hills to the orphanage we will be ministering at.  The kids are so cute.  They have 16 boys and 20 girls that live there, plus a dog, a bunny, and some chickens.  Our guide George said he visited several of the area orphanages to determine which one needed the most help and felt God leading him to this one.  We will be painting, building a new chicken coop (a small building) and doing short portions of the VBS for them each day.

We came back for dinner, and practiced a few of our songs and skits for vbs and headed off to bed.  Tomorrow we will be up early and our luggage is SUPPOSED to be delivered first thing.  Most people packed at least one change of clothes so we are ok, but it sure would be nice to have all our vbs supplies and guitar and things we brought for ministry!

That's it for now.  Will try to post some pictures and stuff later.


Jenni Millet for the group.

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