TCA Mission Africa 2015 Video

Kilimanjaro Go Pro 2015

2015 Africa photos

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Saturday, June 13th

This is Max and Brittany writing for Jenni since she is too tired and lazy!! Today we finally got our luggage, although some items were missing from peoples' bags. Some people are missing hiking boots, socks, skirts, underwear, belts, etc, and are unsure whether they were stolen or were misplaced. Please pray that they would be returned, or that these items can be replaced. Also, please pray for the hearts of whoever might have taken these items. Other than that, everyone is fine and healthy. Because of the delay in the luggage arriving, we got a late start to our day, sanding and scraping the walls of the pastors office at our church host in Arusha. We will be repainting the office later in the week. After working for a few hours, and eating lunch prepared for us by members of the church, we returned to the hotel and received all of our luggage. After taking a short break, we drove to a snake park and saw pythons, and other sweet animals. They were all behind glass, and in cages, though many of us held a small garden snake around our shoulders, and I held the hand of a baboon. They also had a museum about the life of the Masaii people, and a shopping area where we could buy carvings, jewelry, spears, etc. After these two areas we were able to ride camels for under one dollar, until it was time to return to the hotel for dinner and our evening devotions. Most are in bed now, and tomorrow we will be attending three church services at our hosting church in Arusha. We will be singing, and leading children's, youth, and women's services in the afternoon. My Dad, Jerry, and Steve will be preaching in the morning. Please pray that everything will go well and that Christ would go before us, and would be seen instead of ourselves. Kwaheri! 

-Max and Brittany

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