TCA Mission Africa 2015 Video

Kilimanjaro Go Pro 2015

2015 Africa photos

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tuesday, June 16

       Jambo world!! This is Caroline Fields and Karrigan Blagburn. We want to tell you about our day. So listen up!
       This morning we ate the usual (hard boiled egg, mystery sausage, and awesome fruit ... And chai).
We then headed to the school for the disabled after being thrown around on the bumpiest road you've ever experienced ever. The school was on the most beautiful land on the base of Mount Meru. About fifteen lovely special needs kids waited with their teachers and a couple of mothers on the campus for us. We toured the campus and doubled the span of our Swahili with diagrams the school had painted on their walls. Then we played three songs for them and they all jumped around and were so joyful. We performed an oscar worthy skit featuring yours truly, and then made a craft with them (drums made out of cups). The rest of the morning we played with and loved on the kids. Special shout out to Jordan and Jeremiah, who showed SO much joy and laughter even though they couldn't walk.
       We came back for lunch (rice and meat...fanta/stoney(refer to Christopher's post)). After a much needed nap, we returned to the church for another evening of vbs. The kids seemed even more excited and energetic than yesterday, and they even remembered a few of the songs. Vbs went well. The kids painted little crosses (as well as a few of the pews...).
Back at the hotel, the bros and I (karrigan) played three sack whack ( the most intense game anyone could play with a hacky sack) until dinner time (more rice, pork ... Fanta). We gathered for evening devotions and now we are sitting in our luxurious hotel room writing a blog. These rooms are nice, so mom, don't worry I feel like a princess with these mosquito nets. :)
       We are tired so bye. Thanks for reading...don't forget to subscribe. Thanks for supporting us too!!! Kwaheri (goodbye)!
       -karoline (I didn't lose her trail mix...)
       -carrigan (still mourning the trail mix Karo left in Paris)

1 comment:

  1. So proud of each of you! Serving our Lord in such a mighty way! Hey Michael!!!
