TCA Mission Africa 2015 Video

Kilimanjaro Go Pro 2015

2015 Africa photos

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday, June 20

Today we started with breakfast and devotions from Mike Fields.  He talked about finding your ministry and challenged all of our college bound students to get plugged into a church and find their unique ministry next year when they find themselves in a new environment.

We stopped in for another "5 minute" stop for Jon to go get some paint and supplies and then headed to the school for disabled.  We were happy to see the new wheelchair ramps already finished and the students did a great job finishing up painting the dining hall and kitchen.  Izzy and Callie did a wonderful job painting a verse on the wall...which was the fruits of the spirit from Galatians 5:22-23. We had it translated so they could paint it in Swahili.  While they painted Jon and I and Mike Fields all spoke to the parents of the disabled students.  I shared a little about what I have been through as a mother and how I really had to give up my own illusions and ideas of what life "should" be like and how I learned to trust God to meet the needs of my children.  We talked about their value and how God can use them for a unique purpose to demonstrate Gods love for all of us to the world.  Mike then shared his testimony of his brother, who was electrocuted just before graduating from college, and how God has used Greg in ways he never could have imagined and tied in the gospel message.  Jon tied it all together with his thoughts as a father and truly seeing the unique gifts that each person can have, even when they are disabled.  He reassured them that they were not being punished by God, but that their children are a blessing, that they had a unique opportunity for spiritual growth, and experiences most people never get to witness.   It was a very special time and we all felt like the Holy Spirit really spoke to those who were there.   We all gave it a 20 out of 10 experience.

We finished up at the school and then came back for a special dinner the choir from our host church gphad prepared for us.  They have been such hospitable, gracious hosts while we have been here, going out of their way to do nice things for us.  The five choir members who were chosen to be our interpreters and guides, have each taken a 2 week leave of absence from work to be with us.  They have not only accompanied us everywhere, but have also painted and worked alongside us too.  Tonight the entire choir made us a traditional Tanzanian dinner, sang for us, and then told us they had a Tanzanian "cake" for us.  It turns out that Tanzanian cake is code for Goat.  It was great and a big honor for them to have gone to so much trouble to make us feel welcomed.

We did get word that Ty and Scott Westfall arrived safely in Kajiado today and spent the day purchasing food and supplies to leave at the orphanage, school for disabled  and with Mama Ruth's tribe up in Rurya.  They should be heading back late tomorrow afternoon.  Also, Steve Wolcott just arrived back from Uganda.

Tomorrow we will be going to four different churches in groups, so please pray for Jon, Steve, Jerry, and Mike as they will all be preaching, and for the students, as they are usually asked to give a short testimony or sing.  After that we will be taking a day of rest relaxing a little.

Thank you for the continued prayers.  We know how many people back home are supporting us and it means a lot to know we have friends and family praying on our behalf!


Jenni for the group

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