TCA Mission Africa 2015 Video

Kilimanjaro Go Pro 2015

2015 Africa photos

Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday, June 19

Today was another great day here in Tanzania.  We started out with breakfast and devotions from Jerry Fudge, which was a great discussion on apologetics and how to refute some of the reasons people reject Christianity.   Next we went to a public high school where Noah, Dawson, and Brittany all shared their testimonies, we sang some songs, and Jon preached the gospel.   This school had a mix of kids from different religions so please pray that they heard what they needed to hear.  It was pretty cool at one point we realized there was a big group of Muslim girls singing along to "I want to be like Jesus"

After lunch we went to a local Masaii market for about an hour.  Jon came back with a giant spoon which I have NO idea what I'm going to do with...typical.  :). We then headed to the church for our final day of VBS.  We estimated over 220 kids again and had a great time.  They loved the songs and games and stories from the book of Proverbs.  Our students did a fabulous job of leading this and interacting with the kids.  We will miss them.

Disabled School update:
Tomorrow we will head back to the disabled school.  Jon and I have been told that many families here believe that having a disabled child is a punishment by God.  We have asked to meet with all the parents of the disabled children tomorrow so we can encourage them and help them see that it is actually a blessing and that they can be used by God just as much as any healthy person.  Please pray for us as we speak to them tomorrow morning.  While we speak to the parents, everyone else will be finishing up painting in the dining, kitchen area.  We will post before and after photos.  We have also been able to purchase 4 wood tables and 24 new chairs for their cafeteria, as well as some food to stock their kitchen and a huge new shelving system to keep their food and supplies up off the floor.
We also noticed the other day that there was no working wheelchair ramp at this school.  There was a partial one that dropped off about 2 feet from the ground and the rest of the school porch is a good 4 foot step up.  We inquired about putting in a ramp for them and found that it will only cost $60 to complete the existing ramp and put another one in that will lead from the dining Area to the playground.  We hope this will be a great blessing to them.   Thank you to those of you who have supported this trip financially.  These are the kinds of things your money is providing and we are so honored to be able to present such things on behalf of so many of you!

Tomorrow Ty and Scott Westfall are leaving to travel to Kenya to visit Mama Ruth and the Masaii tribe we have been working with the past several years.  We are grateful that we are close enough to send them on our behalf.  They will also be visiting Pastor Charles church, the orphanage, and the school for disabled  in Kajiado that we went to last year.  They will be taking along about a months worth of food for the kids at the disabled school and the Kajiado orphanage.

Tomorrow afternoon we will also be having a fellowship and having dinner with the church choir at the church.  They have been gracious hosts all week.  Also, Steve Wolcott should return tomorrow afternoon from Uganda.

Please continue to keep the group in prayer as several have some minor health issues going on...tummy aches, cold and cough and exhaustion mostly.  Also, Mike Fields who had such a hard time getting here, has hurt his back and is in a lot of pain with limited motion, although he is still plugging along as though nothing is wrong.  He was able to get some medicine today, so pray that he
will get some relief!

Thank you so much for your continued prayers!


Jenni Millet for the group

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