TCA Mission Africa 2015 Video

Kilimanjaro Go Pro 2015

2015 Africa photos

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sunday June 14, 2015

This is Marie and Callie, today we went to the three church services at the hosting church here in Arusha. In the first service, Mr Millet gave the lesson and in the second and third services Mr Steve Wolcott and Mr Jerry Fudge taught as well. All three services were amazing and were filled with the  congregation's wonderful singing which distracted from the fact that the first service started at 7 and that the third ended 1. So it was fun, but very long. After the last service we came back to the hotel for lunch and a nap before we went back to a church at 3:00 for another activity with the youth, kids, and ladies. While Mrs Millet and Mrs Orten were studying and sharing with the women of the church, the rest of our group was split between the children and the youth. Our team members in the youth who planned an afternoon for 12-20 year olds were shocked when they realized that the "youth" group was  actually ages 12-40. However, that did not stop them from having a great time singing, playing games, sharing their testimonies, and having insightful and fun conversations together. While they were doing that, the rest of us were with the little children ages 3-12. With that group we played games (simon says, hide-and-seek, etc), sang songs, and our group even put on a puppet show which was improvised and a little rough, however the kids seemed to still enjoy it. It was so much fun working with the little kids. Then we came back to the hotel for dinner and an intense game of Hackie-Sack. In our final meeting of the day we discover that Dawson and Mr Fields missed their flight (unless Mr Fields was pulling our leg) so please keep them and our team work tomorrow in your prayers.  We start painting at the orphanage tomorrow.

                 -Callie and Marie

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